2 Ways Epicor Social Enterprise Will Rock Your World

If Henry Ford and Thomas Edison had your email inbox, we’d probably ride horses to work and read

if only henry ford had the benefits of epicor social enterprise

If Henry Ford and Thomas Edison had your email inbox, we’d probably ride horses to work and read our reports by candlelight.  Information is the brain fuel of our businesses, that much is true.  However, email, unnecessary meetings, and worse – constant interruptions – have turned that fuel into the business equivalent of the Twinkie.  You can live on Twinkies, but it’s not a good life. This is where Social Networking for ERP really shines. It reclaims your inbox, cleans the fluff out of your calendar, and allows you and your teams that ultimate modern luxury – Focus.  Below are two ways Epicor Social Enterprise will rock your business world. Want to know more about Epicor Social Enterprise? Get in touch using the contact us button below.

Focus – Epicor Social Enterprise Delivers Faster Results With Fewer Emails

Epicor Social integrates the most valuable features of social networking right into your ERP system. This means your activity stream built into Epicor shows you what you need to know, when you need it, exactly where you need to see it in order to do your job effectively.  Have a hot customer order that needs special babysitting?  Follow it. Concerned about your new product launch?  Track #MySuperAmazingProject using hashtags. Use callouts to send a question to the quality control team or accounting and bring them into the dialog.

The point is that Epicor Social gets work out of your inbox and back into the ERP system where the real work happens, anyway. Everything is linked.  Everyone that needs to be involved is involved. And everything has a context, so you jump right from the discussion into the Epicor record and do the work that needs to be done. Vitamin F(ocus) is a good thing.

Innovation – Let The Creative Juices Flow With Epicor Social Enterprise

If information is the brain fuel of your business, innovation is the lifeblood. Innovation is what allows you to respond to changing customer needs and position yourself successfully in a crowded marketplace. Innovation is amazing.

The problem?  Innovation is also tough.  You need geniuses, but they’re in short supply.  What most businesses have instead is an untapped collective pool of experience and ideas spread across the entire team and no way to harness it.

Epicor Social is the Juice-O-Matic that taps into your team’s creative juices. Does Sales love the idea?  Super. What does manufacturing say?  Bring those voices together, comment, vote, and move on. Companies that embrace social networking in ERP typically see an upswing in innovation, shorter process and decision times, better profits, and more on-time projects.  That’s how you measure lifeblood, and that’s what Epicor Social brings to your business.

Ford and Edison understood focus, collaboration, and innovation. So does Epicor. Let us know how we can help you evaluate Epicor Social tools and help you get out of your inbox and back into your business today.

About Encompass Solutions

Encompass Solutions is a business and software consulting firm that specializes in ERP systems, EDI, and Managed Services support for Manufacturers and Distributors. Serving small and medium-sized businesses since 2001, Encompass modernizes operations and automates processes for hundreds of customers across the globe. Whether undertaking full-scale implementation, integration, and renovation of existing systems, Encompass provides a specialized approach to every client’s needs. By identifying customer requirements and addressing them with the right solutions, we ensure our clients are equipped to match the pace of Industry.